Clinical Services.

Delivering Specialist Care into the Community

It is Wound Innovations’ core goal to improve clinical outcomes for individuals living with wounds and stoma. To achieve this, we understand the need to improve the knowledge of those caring for these individuals and their wounds or stoma, so we work with the patient and their family or home care team to develop a specialised plan of wound or stoma care.

In-Home Consultation

During the consultation, a holistic assessment is undertaken utilising all relevant clinical information by the Wound Innovations clinician in consultation with you, your family member, support person or visiting health care professional. Where appropriate further investigations can be carried out to better inform this assessment and support treatment planning.

If a family member, support person or health care professional will be supporting you with implementing the wound or stoma care, it would be beneficial for them to be in attendance for your appointments.


Telehealth Consultations

Wound Innovations offers a telehealth service particularly for patients living in regional, rural or remote areas and for those who find it difficult to access specialist services.

Telehealth consultations are carried out remotely using videoconferencing or over the telephone.


Following each consultation:

With the consent of the patient, Wound Innovations provides them, and any other health professionals involved in the patient’s care, with a detailed Wound Management or Stoma Care Plan outlining our assessment findings, diagnosis, treatment and recommendations for follow up care.

Wound Innovations staff will then recommend a further course of treatment that may include one or more of the following services:

  • Review Appointments
  • Product recommendations such as dressings, skin care treatments, mattresses, nutritional supplements.
  • Recommended consumables can be ordered directly through Wound Innovations if required. Please contact head office if you require assistance.

Pricing structure:

Wound Innovations consultations can be fully funded by Home Care Packages. If you have a Home Care Package and are unsure if you have funds available, please contact your Home Service Provider.

  • Initial In-Home Consultations WITH supporting nursing service present are charged at $330 + GST per patient, per consultation.
  • Initial In-Home Consultations WITHOUT nursing service present are charged at $440 + GST per patient, per consultation.
  • Review In-Home Consultations are charged at $300 + GST per patient, per consultation.
  • Initial Telehealth Consultations are charged at $170 + GST per patient, per consultation.
  • Review Telehealth Consultations are charged at $140 + GST per patient, per consultation.

** Dressings are not included in the above prices. Dressings will be invoiced separately if they are required.

** In certain cases, additional charges for extended appointments may apply depending on the number or complexity of the wounds or stoma. Our team will inform you if this is necessary.

*** If you have a nursing service however, they do not attend on the day of the initial consultation the higher fee will apply.

**** If you reside out of metro areas, regional or remote additional travel costs may apply. Our team will advise prior to the appointment if this is the case.